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Hang Seng Bank

Corporate Sustainability Report

Hang Seng Bank launches an Online Corporate Sustainability Report every year to describes the Bank's efforts to support the principles of sustainable development.

The cover is an sea whelk expanding among city-line of Hong Kong. The whelk's colour palette extends as the lines expands. The idea of the cover is expressing their endless enhancement in sustainability.I use a green palette similar with Hang Seng Banks' brand colour in the infographics and also apply a minimal style.

Corporate Sustainability Report, Layout, Photo Retouch, Typography, Infographics

Hang Seng Bank CSReport 2018
Hang Seng Bank CSReport 2018
Hang Seng Bank CSReport 2018
Hang Seng Bank CSReport 2018
Hang Seng Bank CSReport 2018
Hang Seng Bank CSReport 2018
Hang Seng Bank CSReport 2018
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